Youll also enjoy a funny vision of two well-known Spanish stereotypes, treated here with elegance and without unnecessary exaggerations. Paco Character Profile. [14], La crtica especializada se mostr dividida en torno a la pelcula, aunque predominaron las valoraciones positivas. Its a peculiar thing indeed to see a cinema full of Spaniards chuckling along at jokes about Basque nationalism. Por lo visto, en el pueblo de la chica son todos tontos y, eso s, muy vascos y abertzales. Rafa (Dani Rovira) es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha tenido que salir jams de su Sevilla natal para conseguir lo nico que le importa en la vida: el fino, la gomina, el Betis y las mujeres. A raz de esto, Koldo est decepcionado y se pregunta si Rafa no ira a pedir paella, para luego, sin que lo vea Amaia, amenazar a Rafa en caso de estar siendo engaado. Ocho apellidos vascos (Spanish Affair) CONCLUSSION CHARACTERS PLOT DIRECTOR EMILIO MARTNEZ LZARO COMEDY RAFA STEREOTYPES: ANTXON NORTH, SOUTH. A ver, qu quieres? Students shouldnt have any serious comprehension problems with this one, and it comes with the advantage of exposing students to some of Spains most recognizable regional stereotypes, and in particular the cultural contrasts between the south (Andaluca) and the north (the Basque country). Investiga acerca de tus equipos favoritos para ver si Para olvidarle, viaja por primera vez a Sevilla con sus dos mejores amigas, aunque se siente incmoda dentro de un vestido de sevillana en un tablao flamenco. Una serie de circunstancias llevarn al joven sevillano a tener que hacerse pasar por un autntico vasco e ir enredndose cada vez ms en el personaje para lograr sus propsitos. Los apellidos vascos ms frecuentes son los siguientes:: Garca, Rodrguez, Gonzlez, Fernndez, Martnez, Snchez; Prez, Gmez, Jimnez, Ruiz, etc. casarse es muy importante, por eso tenis que estar seguros que la personacon la que estis es la adecuada, Sacerdote Padre Inaxio - Getting married is very important, so you have to be sure that the person you are with is the right one, Yo no le puedo contar toda la verdad a mi padre ahora, Amaia - I can't tell my father the whole truth now. tienen jugadores hispanos y de dnde son. 'Ocho apellidos vascos' es la pelcula del ao en Espaa.Desde que lleg a la cartelera el pasado 14 de marzo no ha dejado de romper rcords.Ninguna otra produccin nacional en toda la historia ha recaudado tanto en nuestro pas --52 millones de euros, ya solo la supera 'Avatar'-- y se acaba de convertir en la pelcula que ms tiempo ha liderado la taquilla espaola de manera . Sin embargo, Rafa tiene dificultades al inventar de carrerilla ocho apellidos vascos al cien por ciento y por ltimo menciona Clemente, apellido que no es de origen vasco. Esa misma tarde, Rafa, Amaia, Merche y Koldo salen en el barco de este ltimo a pescar bonito. Quiero que sepas que todo ha sido mi culpa. Wardrobe: Lala Huete She gets drunk, and stays at his house, but the next morning she has headed back north and Rafa, smitten, decides to follow her. Chante sa chanson. Rafa (stand-up comic and presenter Dani Rovira, debuting in a feature here) stands up at the local fiestas and tells a couple of anti-Basque jokes, offending Amaia (Clara Lago), already unhappy at having been dressed up in the local costume. La boda va a tener lugar en la dicha ermita, que en la realidad es la de San Telmo, junto al mar Cantbrico, en Zumaya, Guipzcoa. Rafa - Euskadi has a special color! Ocho apellidos catalanes es una pelcula dirigida por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro con Dani Rovira, Clara Lago, Karra Elejalde, Carmen Machi .. Ao: 2015. Question 4 Rquiem por un campesino espaol - Ramn J Sender . no me la tocas", Rafa - "You can leave me without the Macarena medal, but the gel you don't touch me ", Rafa-The girl isn't guilty of being Basque, Rafa- Made up name with place in the Basque Country, Que soy vasco! ocho apellidos vascos film. The script was written by Borja Cobeaga and Diego S. Jos, the screenwriting duo who have already had a hit with Pagafantas. A tal punto que se ha llegado a comparar con la francesa Bienvenidos al norte, que en 2008 fue un gran xito en Francia y en Blgica. Euskadi tiene un color especial! Dirigida por Emilio Martinez-Lazaro Guion Borja Cobeaga , Diego San Jos Reparto Dani Rovira , Clara Lago , Karra Elejalde Ver en HBO Max Medios 2,9 6 crticas Usuarios 3,7 2354 notas incluyendo 74. And, given what we know about the success of Ocho Apellidos Vascos, its no surprise that the plotline was as familiar as ever. Excellent movie, really humorous when you can understand Spain and very good acting ! During the theatrical release, circulated two versions of the movie. El ttulo del film hace referencia a los ocho apellidos vascos que dice tener el protagonista, dos por cada uno de los cuatro abuelos, que son: Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Zubizarreta y Argiano, por va paterna; e Igartiburu, Erentxun, Otegi y Clemente, por va materna. El 11 de noviembre de 2015 Mediaset Espaa estren la pelcula en sus dos principales canales: Telecinco y Cuatro. The Hollywood Reporter is a part of Penske Media Corporation. And, given what we know about the success of "Ocho Apellidos Vascos," it's no surprise that the plotline was as familiar as ever. As, se embarca en una loca aventura . Rafa dice que su casa es la casa de Merche, la mujer que conoci en el autobs. The piety of the large part of its inhabitants is not so much to do with dogma, but more related to childhood and beauty than liturgy. Pero las cosas no sern ms fciles una vez all, para conseguir la aprobacin del padre de la chica, Rafa tendr que hacerse pasar por vasco, una de sus peores pesadillas. Decidido a conquistarla, Rafa viaja hasta un pueblo de la Euskadi profunda, donde para que Amaia le haga algo de caso deber hacerse pasar por vasco. La pelicula me ha gustado mucho, ojal hayan mas peliculas espaolas como esta. El amor y las risas!, porque aqu, de hecho, abundan los prejuicios, los chascarrillos a cuenta del vecino de villa-de-al-lado y las bromas gordas, bien gordas sobre los usos y costumbres de los del norte y los del sur, tan lejos y tan cerca, tan distintos y tan, sin embargo, parecidos. Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Diego Calva, Reparto Her antagonist, Rafa the Sevillano, is played by Dani Rovira, a relatively famous comedian who proves he can also act. Fortunately, Ocho Apellidos Vascos sticks to more plausible lies and rarely strays into the slapstick comedy that often slips into these movies. Comedia de mayor xito de taquilla en la historia del cine espaol, dirigida porEmilio Martnez Lzaro, y cuyo elenco de protagonistas est compuesto por actores como Dani Rovira, Clara Lago, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde, entre otros. Rafa intenta localizarla buscando el nmero del padre de ella, aunque al llamar no recibe respuesta. Performances are capable and energetic from all players, including from a supporting cast which includes the two Andalucian motor mouths from the 2012 cult hit The World is Ours, Alfonso Sanchez and Alberto Lopez, as Rafas sidekicks. "en plan de hablar" - Rafa, "Are you going to kidnap me?" Toda la vida siendo madre e hijo y no nos habamos dado cuenta! Da tu opinin sobre SensaCine | Let us be happy, sociable, lovers of life, romantic. El chico se enamora completamente de ella y, cuando regresa a su ciudad, se da cuenta de que tendr que viajar al norte si quieres recuperarla. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. Music: Fernando Velazquez , Euskadi has a special color! "Ocho Apellidos Vascos" follows Amaia (Clara Lago, "Extinction") and Rafael (Dani Rovira, "Ahora o Nunca") in their whirlwind relationship. Ocho Apellidos Vascos was one of the top grossing movies of 2014, just behind Avatar. Theres a reason these movies are so popular and the plots are so predictable: They make money. The thing is, in Andalusia, nothing is what it seems. Its really cool and, again, helps Ocho Apellidos Vascos keep the easy and cheesy jokes out of the movie with moments like when Rafael has to come up with and remember eight last names of Basque country origin. Cursos de guin en Crdoba para analizar el xito de 'Ocho apellidos vascos' y 'El Prncipe' Publico. It begins in a Sevillan bar where a Basque woman is out with her friends. Gran parte de la historia transcurre en el Pas Vasco, ms concretamente en Zarauz, aunque tambin en Leitza (Navarra). Underline the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence. Mon petit garcon Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Oftentimes, the genre has an amusing inability to pass the Bechdel test, and the plotlines are repetitive at best. Con 10 millones de euros recaudados y aplausos en cada pase, 'Ocho apellidos vascos' se convierte en el inesperado fenmeno del ao en un sector muy necesitado de xitos Sinopsis: Rafa (Dani Rovira) es un joven seorito andaluz que no ha . De 'Ocho apellidos vascos' a 'Los amantes, Western con un carcter muy particular, series adictivas y comedias que nunca fallan. He sido un poco ingenuo porque mira que tena un acento jodido el sevillano ese. Sin embargo, al final de la pelcula, no es importante y incluso Koldo y Merche son amigos; Basque surnames. 'Ocho apellidos vascos' es la nueva pelcula del director madrileo despus del breve paso que tuvo su anterior filme, 'La montaa rusa'. Ocho Apellidos Vascos. Emilio Martnez Lzaro: OCHO APELLIDOS VASCOS - baseret p filmmanuskriptet og filmen af samme navn V. JOHN BJRNUNG JENSEN OCHO APELLIDONS VASCOS Baskiske Amaia er ved at g ud af sit gode. Amaia - do you see me riding a buggy of those so tacky. Production: LaZona films, Kowalski Films, Snow Films, Telecinco Cinema Cast: Clara Lago, Dani Rovira, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde, Alfonso Sanchez, Alberto Lopez, Aitor Mazo Director: Emilio. Some seeds take more time to sprout than others do. Wheres the problem in that? Ocho Apellidos Vascos - characters and quotes Term 1 / 68 "me vas a secuestrar?" "en plan de hablar" - Rafa Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 68 "Are you going to kidnap me?" "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by "in a manner of speaking" - Rafa (to Amaia on the bus) Stereotype of basques - refers to ETA, "bunch of layabouts" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga" - Amaia, "you just get up from your nap to go and party/binge" - Amaia (about Andalusians) - stereotype, "I wish it had worked out" - Amaia (about her relationship with Rafa), "a m no me toques espaolazo que te denuncio" - Amaia, "don't touch me Spanish I'll report you" - Amaia to Rafa (in the bar at the beginning), "I wasn't very polite" - Amaia to Rafa about when they saw each other again, "I've fallen in love" - Rafa to his friends in the bar the next morning, "head over heals" - Rafa describing how he loves Amaia to Merche, "this woman is crazy" - Rafa about Amaia on the bus to Sevilla, "until tomorrow dears" - Merche to Amaia and Koldo (same thing the celebrity Anne says on TV), "he seemed very nice to me" - Merche about Koldo when they first meet, "si vamos a ser sinceros nos lo decimos todo" - Merche, "If we are going to be honest, we say everything" - Merche to Koldo on the boat, "Amaia no me tiene que gustar a m, es l el que se va a casar con ella" - Merche, "I don't have to like Amaia, it is him that's marrying her" - Merche to Koldo about Rafa and Amaia's relationship, "she missed you a lot" - Merche to Koldo about Amaia, "how pretty you are" - Koldo to Merche in their lounge, "I'm going to be a grandfather" - Koldo to Amaia when he sees the wedding dress and thinks she is getting married, "you're not understanding anything" - Amaia to Koldo in the car, "no me ves en seis aos, no me conoces y a l slo de un rato" - Amaia, "you haven't seen me in six years, you don't know me and you know him even less" - Amaia to Koldo when he criticizes Rafa, "yo tambin te ha echado mucho de menos" - Koldo, "I have also missed you a lot" - Koldo to Amaia after Merche tells him that Amaia missed him, "yo ya te veo y yo s que andas enamorada" - Koldo, "I see you and I know you are in love" - Koldo to Amaia at the wedding, "cuidado con esta chica que a m me parece un poco manejanta" - Merche, "careful with that girl, she seems a bit bossy to me" - Merche to Rafa about Amaia at the port, "you're being a pushover" - Merche to Rafa, "por qu no te vienes un da a casa y te preparo unas migas" - Merche, "why don't you come to my house and I'll prepare you some migas" - Merche to Rafa on the bus when they first meet, "tranquilo, estuve en el taller de teatro y debo ser camalenica" - Merche, "Relax, I was in a theatre workshop and I had to be a chameleon" - Merche to Rafa when he asks her to pretend to be his mother, "me habis trado y me habis vestido de gilipollas" - Amaia, "you brought me here and you dressed me like an idiot" - Amaia to her friends at the bar talking about the flamenco costume, "what confession?" Esperaba una pelcula en la que, con los tpicos de siempre, nos riramos tanto con los vascos como con los andaluces, pero sin faltar. Addeddate 2020-06-12 05:58:52 Color color Identifier ocho-apellidos-vascos Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound sound Year 2014 Ver Ocho apellidos vascos 2014 Online Gratis Pelicula Completa En Audio Latino, Espaol, Ingles, Castellano, Subtitulada, Se Puede Descargar Ocho apellidos vascos 2014 Por Mega, Torrent, Google Drive, Calidad 1080p, HD 720p, 4K Ultra HD, DVDRip Por 1 Link, 1 Click. [8], El tema principal y original de la pelcula titulado No te marches jams, es interpretado por la cantante navarra Leire Martnez, vocalista de La Oreja de Van Gogh y por el cantautor andaluz David DeMara. - Strengthen language Sucesivamente, Amaia no acepta dormir en la misma cama que Rafa y solo se queda junto a l cuando su padre est mirando. Amaia: You could've taken me to Donosti, with a stripper and a dick on my head. Thats why a few years ago, six to be exact, when the French film phenomenon Bienvenue chez les ChTis came out, French teachers were delighted to have new teaching material endorsed by the sheer number of its viewers; Bienvenue broke just about every box office record in France. Amaia (Clara Lago) es una joven vasca que acaba de romper su compromiso matrimonial con su ya exnovio. El nacionalismos vasco tiene tintes de supremacismo patn de sacrista. Por ejemplo : These ocho apellidos, or eight surnames, make reference to the stereotype of Basque people taking great pride in being full blooded Basques in contrast to Spaniards who are the products of a nearly infinite mix genes. Saute dans le thym. En el viaje en autobs conoce a Merche (Carmen Machi), una mujer extremea de mediana edad que vive en el Pas Vasco. [8] Por ltimo, el sevillano bar de Los Muelles no est en Sevilla y s en la localidad guipuzcoana de Mondragn. !. Rafa es un joven sevillano de familia adinerada que conoce a una preciosa chica vasca durante los das de la Feria de Sevilla. The true star of the movie though? At this point in the 21st century, there isnt anything romantic comedies havent done, short of actually casting someone who isnt white in the lead (though Netflix has endeavored to fill that void recently). [17] Fausto Fernndez, desde la revista Fotogramas, por su parte la tild de impersonal y calific su desarrollo como plano.[21]. Cine, Cine/Series. Flags do not offend us, but nor do we use them as offensive weapons and, of course, our regional green-and-white flag would never prompt a war. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She has never lied to her father in her life, and she is also very affectionate and has a hairstyle that I love. Amaia. - Rafa to the priest at the church, "el nuevo lder andaluz de la kale borroka" - Rafa, "the new Andalusian leader of the Basque independents group" - Rafa to Amaia at the protest, "hasta la independentzia y ms all" - Rafa, "to independence and beyond" - Rafa to the gang leaders (a line taken from Toy Story), "dormir con una vasca es como tirarte tres veces a una Malaga" - Joaqun, "to sleep with a Basque is like screwing a girl from Malaga three times" - Joaqun about Rafa and Amaia sleeping together, "he'll ask for a paella or something" - Koldo about Rafa when they are in the Basque restaurant, "tenemos que estar pagando sus siestas con nuestros impuestos sino que adems vienen aqu atirarse a nuestras mujeres" - Rafa, "not only are we paying for their parties with our taxes but they come and take our women" - Rafa to Koldo when he is about to find out that Rafa in Andalusian, "traemos dinero para pagar el rescate" - Joaqun, "we brought money for the rescue" - Joaqun to Rafa before the wedding, "que puede ser de la ETA o de algn comando" - Joaqun, "she could be part of ETA or some terrorist group" - Joaqun about Amaia, "cuidado Currito no vaya a haber un artefacto explosivo ah dentro" - Joaqun, "careful Curro, there could be a bomb in there" Joaqun about Amaia's purse, "cortarse el flequillo que parece que le han dado un hachazo" - Rafa, "to cut the hair as if with an axe" - Rafa about Amaia's hair - fringe, "est bien si vengo de recoger la aceituna" - Rafa, "it's good for picking olives" - Rafa to Amaia about the clothes she picks out for him, "el flequillo que parece que te ha pegado un bocado un burro" - Rafa, "the fringe looks like a goat chewed it" - Rafa about Amaia's hair, "los vascos no pueden vernos a los andaluces ni en pintura" - Curro, "Basques can't stand to see us, even in a picture" - Curro about Basques, "me trastocas la religin si quieres pero la gomina no me la tocas" - Rafa, "you can take my religion if you want but don't touch my hair gel" - Rafa to Amaia, "la cara de bestia que tiene el Koldo se" - Rafa, "una ronda te apuesto a que saco un bonito de ms de 15 kilos" - Koldo, "one round I bet you I'll get a big fish more than 15 kilos" - Koldo to Rafa on the boat, "las cosas all estn bastante ms tranquilas ahora", "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga", Amaia - "You only get up from your siesta to go partying", "deja con tanto abrazo" Hopefully, Spain will resemble Andalusia and be capable of avoiding grudges, playing down conflicts and trusting in the seductive power of words. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, "Ocho Apellidos Vascos" or "El Laberinto Del Fauno"? Se confirm como ttulo definitivo Ocho apellidos catalanes y se estren el 20 de noviembre de 2015. Poltica de Privacidad | SensaCine | The music is by Fernando Velzquez (Lo imposible) who achieves an unusual fusion that blends castanets and txalapartas, effectively capturing the Basque-Andaluca atmosphere that envelopes the storys characters. [11] En su segundo fin de semana la produccin aument la recaudacin casi un 56% respecto al fin de semana anterior, solo superado por dos superproducciones, Lo imposible y Avatar, con 4,4 millones en solo diez das. Ttulo original: Ocho apellidos catalanes. Director: Emilio Martinez-Lazaro They are joined by Carmen Machi and Karra Elejalde, who play a couple of wonderful secondary characters, masterfully providing support to the young protagonists. Aunque algunas escenas se rodaron en Sevilla, cerca del puente de Triana,[7] las principales localizaciones del largometraje se sitan en el norte de Espaa. At first, Amaia rejects Rafaels advances, but when her estranged father, Koldo (Karra Elejalde, 100 Meters), unexpectedly shows up for her cancelled wedding, she desperately asks Rafael to stand in as her ex-fianc, Antxn. , Euskadi tiene un color especial! 0.0 / 5. Rafael, a Sevillian who has never left Andalucia, decides to leave his homeland to follow Amaia, a Basque girl unlike other women whom he has ever known.Rafael, a Sevillian who has never left Andalucia, decides to leave his homeland to follow Amaia, a Basque girl unlike other women whom he has ever known.Rafael, a Sevillian who has never left Andalucia, decides to leave his homeland to follow Amaia, a Basque girl unlike other women whom he has ever known. Ocho apellidos vascos es una comedia que recupera el chiste por el chiste, fcil, rpido y de amplia carcajada. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Que llame a la Ertzaqintza o qu? Consequently, there is a super contentious rivalry between the Vascans and Sevillians. Ocho Apellidos Vascos was one of the top grossing movies of 2014, just. Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Reparto Sales: Film Factory !, y de los sevillanos no estara tan seguro!!! Basque Country is one of Spains autonomous communities, comparable to the states in the U.S in terms of having their own governments, but also very different. Make sure you pick it up on DVD or watch it on a movie channel, always respecting copyright laws. Esa misma noche Koldo, en un restaurante con su hija, conoce a Rafa, que se presenta, a instrucciones de Amaia, como Antxon, vasco de pura cepa y pelotari. Ocho apellidos catalanes es una pelcula espaola dirigida por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro que se estren el 18 de noviembre de 2015 en Espaa. And, given what we know about the success of Ocho Apellidos Vascos, its no surprise that the plotline was as familiar as ever. , Euskadi tiene un color especial! Modern Languages Study Guides: Ocho apellidos vascos: Film Study Guide for AS/A-level Spanish (Film and literature guides) Paperback - Illustrated, 31 Mar. - Rafa to the priest at the church, "el nuevo lder andaluz de la kale borroka" - Rafa, "the new Andalusian leader of the Basque independents group" - Rafa to Amaia at the protest, "hasta la independentzia y ms all" - Rafa, "to independence and beyond" - Rafa to the gang leaders (a line taken from Toy Story), "dormir con una vasca es como tirarte tres veces a una Malaga" - Joaqun, "to sleep with a Basque is like screwing a girl from Malaga three times" - Joaqun about Rafa and Amaia sleeping together, "he'll ask for a paella or something" - Koldo about Rafa when they are in the Basque restaurant, "tenemos que estar pagando sus siestas con nuestros impuestos sino que adems vienen aqu atirarse a nuestras mujeres" - Rafa, "not only are we paying for their parties with our taxes but they come and take our women" - Rafa to Koldo when he is about to find out that Rafa in Andalusian, "traemos dinero para pagar el rescate" - Joaqun, "we brought money for the rescue" - Joaqun to Rafa before the wedding, "que puede ser de la ETA o de algn comando" - Joaqun, "she could be part of ETA or some terrorist group" - Joaqun about Amaia, "cuidado Currito no vaya a haber un artefacto explosivo ah dentro" - Joaqun, "careful Curro, there could be a bomb in there" Joaqun about Amaia's purse, "cortarse el flequillo que parece que le han dado un hachazo" - Rafa, "to cut the hair as if with an axe" - Rafa about Amaia's hair - fringe, "est bien si vengo de recoger la aceituna" - Rafa, "it's good for picking olives" - Rafa to Amaia about the clothes she picks out for him, "el flequillo que parece que te ha pegado un bocado un burro" - Rafa, "the fringe looks like a goat chewed it" - Rafa about Amaia's hair, "los vascos no pueden vernos a los andaluces ni en pintura" - Curro, "Basques can't stand to see us, even in a picture" - Curro about Basques, "me trastocas la religin si quieres pero la gomina no me la tocas" - Rafa, "you can take my religion if you want but don't touch my hair gel" - Rafa to Amaia, "la cara de bestia que tiene el Koldo se" - Rafa, "una ronda te apuesto a que saco un bonito de ms de 15 kilos" - Koldo, "one round I bet you I'll get a big fish more than 15 kilos" - Koldo to Rafa on the boat, "las cosas all estn bastante ms tranquillas ahora", "solamente os levantis de la siesta para ir de juerga", Amaia - "You only get up from your siesta to go partying", Rafa - "leave with so much hug" Amaia - "don't touch me Spanish", "hay momentos en los que un aita tiene que estar ah y pagar la boda de la hija", Koldo - "There are times when a father has to be there and pay for the daughter's wedding", "me puedes dejar sin la medalla de la Macarena, pero la gomina, Rafa - "You can leave me without the Macarena medal, but the gel you don't touch me ", Rafa-The girl isn't guilty of being Basque, Rafa- Made up name with place in the Basque Country, Que soy vasco! This dissertation aims to loot at and analyze the stereotypes and the portrayal of Basques in the film Ocho apellidos vascos (Emilio Martnez-Lzaro, 2014). Imagine for a moment that the main character of Spanish film comedy phenomenon Ocho apellidos vascos was not a posh Andalusian from Sevilles Triana neighborhood, but his Madrid equivalent from Serrano street, complete with well-ironed polo shirt and gelled hair. Consigue sacarlo de prisin, y en su taxi lo lleva a su casa para preparar la presentacin a su padre. Amaia: [in a bustling Sevillian tasca, slightly drunk] You want anything? Resuelve los ltimos Crucigramas de Mambrino, Juega a nuestros Sudoku para Expertos y mejora da a da tu nivel, Juega a las nuevas Sopas de letras clsicas y temticas de EL PAS. This comedy is built up on the clash between some characters, from Andalusia and the Basque Country, that interact in the movie. Rosa Maria Sard Roser (as Rosa Mara Sard) Berto Romero Pau Beln Cuesta Judit Alfonso Snchez Curro Alberto Lpez Joaqun Josep Maria Riera Alcalde (as Josep M Riera) Csar Maroto Cartero (as Cesar Maroto) Esperanza Pedreo Lotera Betsy Trnez Mosso 1 Mar Alain Hernndez Mosso 2 Arnau Agustn Jimnez Anselmo Javi Chou Joserra Mara Forqu [5] Padre Ignacio insiste en que ambos novios tienen que estar muy seguros de lo que van a hacer, y, tras el s de Amaia, Rafa se niega a aceptar y huye con sus amigos de vuelta para Sevilla. Pond sur la mousse Ocho apellidos vascos es una pelcula dirigida por Emilio Martnez-Lzaro con Dani Rovira, Clara Lago, Carmen Machi, Karra Elejalde .. Ao: 2014. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Follow the model. Gonzlez 3.. - Qu cambio puedes observar en el estilo de la narracin? The film was the Spanish box office smash of 2014, and indeed of all time: within one month of its release it had attracted more spectators than any film screened in Spain except for Avatar. How someone could ever have eight last names is a cultural practice that has to do with trying to maintain the name of the mothers family, if only for one generation. Underline the adverb clause in each sentence, and circle each subordinating conjunction. 1. Your email address will not be published. Rafa Carmen Machi Merche Karra Elejalde Koldo Alberto Lpez Joaqun Alfonso Snchez Curro Aitor Mazo Padre Inaxio Abel Mora Pedro Aitziber Garmendia Iratxe Miriam Cabeza Edurne Iaki Beraetxe Ertzaintza 1 Egoitz Lasa Ertzaintza 2 Lander Otaola Borroka 1 Mikel Roman Borroka 2 Santi Ugalde Conductor Kepa Telmo Esnal Camarero Asador Itziar Atienza So Rafa makes up eight Basque surnames, but he uses surnames of currently famous Basque people who you would normally see on TV or in the news in Spainfootball coaches, royals, celebrities and so on. List of Ocho apellidos vascos (2014) Characters Characters played by Clara Lago Amaia Characters played by Dani Rovira Rafa Characters played by Carmen Machi Merche Characters played by Karra Elejalde Koldo Characters played by Alberto Lpez Joaqun Characters played by Alfonso Snchez Curro Characters played by Aitor Mazo Padre Inaxio Rafa encuentra la casa de Amaia, pero tras devolverle el mvil, ella lo rechaza bruscamente. El paro y la pobreza. Me gustara ensear espaol en cualquier parte del mundo. "me vas a secuestrar?" Rafa pasar entonces a llamarse Antxon, nombre euskera al que decide adems acompaar de unos cuantos apellidos vascos: Arguiano, Igartiburu, Erentxun, Gabilondo, Urdangarin, Otegi . That said, there is just one stereotype that those of us who were born or live in Andalusia despise idleness. aux voyelles nasales. La pelcula tiene un 6,1 de media en FilmAffinity y un 6,6 en Imdb, segn la opinin de los lectores de ambos portales. Le petit poussin "no me toques espaolazo", Rafa - "leave with so much hug" Amaia - "don't touch me Spanish", "hay momentos en los que un aita tiene que estar ah y pagar la boda de la hija", Koldo - "There are times when a father has to be there and pay for the daughter's wedding", "me puedes dejar sin la medalla de la Macarena, pero la gomina That said, I liked the movie and so did the rest of Spain. Aerial shots of the verdant landcapes of the Basque country could do wonders for the regional tourist board: appropriately and predictably, the score is regionally shaded. Compartir; Rafa es un joven sevillano de familia adinerada que conoce a una preciosa chica vasca durante los das de la Feria de Sevilla. Para ello, y en contra de los consejos de sus amigos, decide viajar al ficticio pueblo de su pretendida, Argoitia, en el corazn abertzale del Pas Vasco. Required fields are marked *. Hay muchas pelis espaolas mejores que esta o al menos decentes. Emilio Martnez-Lzaro. Write the letter of the word-pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that existing between the capitalized word-pair. ARTE los estudiantes _____ el (la) profesor(a) _____. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. Y como buen chiste te res, te res mogolln; risa espontnea y natural propia de los chistes contados con gracia y salero, agudeza e ingenio. Rafa an no se rinde e intenta conquistarla prometindole que algn da la llevar a Sevilla a montarla en una calesa. Comedia un tanto bsica que vale para echar unas risas una tarde de Domingo delante del televisor pero en pantalla grande y pagando puescomo que no. A pesar del choque, Koldo se queda a dormir con ella y a la maana descubre que ella tampoco es vasca, sino viuda de un guardia civil extremeo destinado al Pas Vasco. Sin embargo, Ocho apellidos vascos es un autntico bodrio . Para expertos en la . Production designer: Juan Botella Catalanes es una comedia que recupera el chiste por el chiste, fcil, rpido de... My head 'Los amantes, Western con un carcter muy particular, series adictivas y comedias que nunca.... A funny vision of two well-known Spanish stereotypes, treated here with elegance and without exaggerations! Stereotypes: ANTXON NORTH, SOUTH no recibe respuesta joven sevillano de familia que! Los das de la Feria de Sevilla Hollywood Reporter is a super rivalry! 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ocho apellidos vascos characters